Tuesday 20 May 2014

All those men and women doing drugs, partying their butts off and clubbing almost every night. Gah, they must be really sad and desperate.

^ That thought coming from a very well adjusted person, who knows what he or she wants, does not need alcohol or drugs or crazy music to define him or her self, neither does this person needs to prove anything to others. He or she is just annoyed by all these attention seekers around. If you’re this person, you are worse than anyone else. Why? Because; you’re sitting here and judging people about their lifestyle.

I was never into drugs, but I used to party every now and then during my first year of University. And it was alright, I was getting to know people, making friends, having a blast every now and then. Later, I got too sick of it and got used to staying home and just having my own space.
I would post random statuses up every now and then, with a bit of humor or tacky messages and almost telling everyone what I’m upto whether they want to know or not. Like it was my duty to let everyone know that HEY, I could use some attention here!
Today, I’m more of a person who has very limited friends, actually 3 or 4 people I talk to every day and that’s about it. I think some days, I just talk to one person and that’s about it. And I like it that way, now. Before, I probably would have had more friends to talk to, and slowly as I was “growing up” I started to being closer to people, I could talk to without being judged for my thoughts. In fact, I still am welcoming new friends in my life.

So I could say I lived a bit of both lives, because that’s what you call growing up. You make billion mistakes and you learn from those billion mistakes and become the person you are. You learn to make better judgments from your past experiences, whether they are good or bad. These actions don’t make you a bad person; it makes you who you are. It’s good to have someone, who would guide you to do things and hand you a manual, but it’s always better to do it by yourself. Even if it means failing, gazillion times.

But what makes you a bad person is that, if you judge other people for not doing things your way. There might be someone who updates status about what he or she is eating or doing, like every 5 minutes. Do I get annoyed? Boy, yes! But I have learned to accept it, because being annoyed at someone’s action that does not affect my personal life at all, is plain stupid.  There are people who don’t like to celebrate things, even their own achievements because they’re thinking it will be showing off or draw too much attention to themselves, others might even judge them and be like, someone’s asking for attention.

So? So what if you are asking for attention. Is that bad? I don’t think so. I love attention, hello! I’m a girl.
Just because other people are going to judge you, you’re not going to celebrate your own graduation ceremony, your first job, your first.. anything?!
Every little thing counts.
When I go through my Facebook Timeline now, I do honestly facepalm myself about 5 to 6 times just to be sure. Because yes, they are very embarrassing. BUT, it’s like a digital diary, you go through your kill-me-already statuses and you remember little things that happened about 2 to 3 years ago. You reminisce. 

Is that really too bad?

Try and look at things in a better way, don’t always complain and judge. I used to do it. It’s not pretty; I don’t like that part of me.
Just because you do things in a certain way, does not mean others would too. Everyone’s different; because if we were all similar, our parents would not have told us we’re special.

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